
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Outline Of The Constitution Of The Usa :: essays research papers

     I. denomination I-- CONGRESS A. atom 1. 1. Establishment B. sectionalisation 2. 1. House Membership and Qualifications a. selection and composition b. standard C. Section 3. 1. Senate Membership and Qualifications a. selection and compostion b. elections D. Section 4. 1. congressional Elections E. Section 5. 1. Congressional Operation and Procedure a. elections b. rules c. records F. Section 6.1. Congressional Employment, Compensation and Privileges a. the "speech and parameter article" G. Section 7. 1. Public Laws and Other Congressional Instruments a. bills for raising gross b. the prexyial "presentment clause" c. congressional voting records d. congressional orders, resolutions and votes H. Section 8. 1. Powers of Congress a. raising revenue (tax, etc.) to pay debts and to provide for defense and universal welfare b. borrowing money c. trade regulation (the "commerce clause") d. immigration and naturalization bankruptcies e. currency weights and measures f. counterfeiting punishment g. post offices h. intellectual holding (copyrights, patents, etc.) i. the federal official judiciary j. maritime and international law k. war l. war machine appropriations/armed forces m. naval forces n. rules for the government and army o. domestic security p. military governance and administration q. District of Columbia r. administration of the law (the " infallible and proper clause") I. Section 9. 1. Congressional Limitations includes a. writs of habeas corpus b. population nosecount and direct taxation c. appropriations d. accounting of public monies and expenditures J. Section 10. 1. State Limitations II. ARTICLE II-- THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH A. Section 1. 1. Establishment, Elections, Qualifications, Compensation a. the president b. the vice president c. electors B. Section 2. 1. Executive Powers a. commander in chief b. pardons and reprieves c. treaties and appointments C. Section 3. 1. prescribed Duties, Responsibilities and Privileges a. state of the union b. foreign relations D. Section 4. 1. Impeachment III. ARTICLE III-- THE terrace A. Section 1. 1. Establishment, Tenure and Compensation a. the Supreme Court b. inferior federal courts c. federal justices and judges B. Section 2. 1. Jurisdiction, Venue and Cases a. Supreme Court original and appellate jurisdiction the "exceptions clause" b. criminal cases/trial by jury C. Section 3. 1. Treason IV. ARTICLE IV-- STATES A. Section 1. 1.

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